I get a ton of questions from author friends about all aspects of book blog tours - what they are, how to find bloggers, how to approach bloggers, how to get bloggers to review a book, how to structure giveaways, how to manage all of the details of a book blog tour. Book blog tours are kind of my thing. :) And for reals, I LOVE talking about this stuff!
So... Why Do a Book Blog Tour?

Targeting: Reach your target reader audience by getting featured on genre-specific blogs
Exposure: Many blogs have hundreds or thousands of followers
Reviews: Book bloggers review books; reviews are important for buyer confidence
Efficiency: You’ll reach many more people than you could with a bookstore signing tour… without even leaving your home.
Who Should Do a Book Blog Tour?
Anyone who's trying to sell a book. It doesn't matter whether your book will be released soon or has been out for years, whether it's fiction or non-fiction. There are blogs out there for all topics and genres.
Learn How To Do Your Own Blog Tour

StoneHouse University Webinar: 10 Steps to a Successful Blog Tour
Author K.C. Neal :: Pyxis Series :: YA Paranormal
Book tours are wonderful things, for author, reader, and reviewer alike. Authors get increased exposure, readers get a wide selection of opinions, and reviewers get a book plus increase hits on their own blogs from linkbacks. I love participating in them, when I can.
Me too! I love working with my book blogging friends - they make me glad to be an author.
I have yet to do a blog tour --- I did sort of an anemic half-arsed one at one time. I think about it - but then I get busy and chaotic and discombobulated and never follow through.
I'm always afraid I'll not be able to keep up, or that people will be sick of hearing about me/my books or seeing my grinnin' face all over creation.
But, I love bloggers and book bloggers, so . . .
I'm over here from twitter - just to show you it does work to post to twitter!
Thanks for your comment, Kathryn. Blog tours can be a bit consuming! I'm in the middle of my fifth right now, and while I absolutely love working with book bloggers, I'm not going to do another one for a bit. But they're great for exposure, and if you don't want to plan and run one yourself, you can always hire it out. :)
Thanks K.C. for your comments on a very interesting marketing idea. 100 years or so ago I managed a couple College Bookstores for 10 years and loved having authors come for book signings and we always had them start with a talk. I love seeing this done with eBooks in a rather special way. Sorry to have missed your webinars, please let me know when you do your next one as I would like to know how your blog tours are organized. Thanks again.
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